We believe that gifts create better customer experiences, which in turn create a positive return on experience for you. 💹 We track metrics where you can see this return to demonstrate the value of your gifts. We believe you will see this goodness in your reviews, referrals and long-term customer revenue and churn.
Where can I see how my gifts perform?
You can see how your gifts perform on the Gifts Insights page. You can reach this page via Insights on the navigation, and then Gifts on the next set of navigation options. On the Campaigns tab, you can also select "see all gift insights" on a gift campaign. 📈
Where can I see a history of my gift giving?
If you use our gift automations, you can find this by selecting the relevant gift campaign(s). This will bring you to a campaign insights page that shows how much you have spent on this campaign and every gift you gave. 💹
You can also see whether you gave a gift to a person on that person's detail page (via the People page). 😄
How can I track my gift spending?
In addition to the information on the campaign insights page, we will send you a daily email report on days where you gave gifts. This report shows how much you spent on that day as well as month-to-date. ✉️
What if I do not want to receive this email report?
You can turn the report off and on under app notifications (Settings -> Personal -> Notifications).